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{{{{{{{{{  RECENT E SESSION VEDIO  }}}}}}}}}

Monday, September 28, 2009

Senior Session with Rachel

Senior Sessions are sooo much fun for me! I always tell everyone that if you find an excellent Wedding Photographer then you've found an outstanding portrait photographer. With Weddings we have to be on point just about every minute of the day, looking for fun spots to shoot with good lighting all within 10-20 minutes. With Portrait Sessions and Seniors we can take our time and craft lighting, backgrounds and outfit changes to create amazing images without worrying about people waiting on us or timeframes.

So, with that said ~ this Senior session was definitely one of a kind. Rachel is in The Anderson Young Ballet Company and is very talented at many forms of dance. I have had the priviledge of photographing this Ballet Company for a number of years and every year it's so sad to see the Seniors leave... but it's great to see new talent come up through the classes.

Rachel is the Snow Queen in this years Nutcracker. So, she brought her outfit along with her point shoes to capture a few images in the Studio. For this shoot I found a Victorian Era couch which was the perfect match to her outfit!!! I was sooo excited when I found this couch online...

We started in the Studio and then went outside to capture some natural images as well!

Thanks Rachel for being you and loving life! You were soooo much fun to work with~



Tess said...

The sepia shot near the end is beautiful...

It's always a pleasure to see your new shoots, Joel. :)

Cathy and David Photographers said...

Wow Dude... those tutu shots are completely awesomes. :-D