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{{{{{{{{{  RECENT E SESSION VEDIO  }}}}}}}}}

Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Friday!!!!!!

For some reason I'm super HAPPY today! Maybe it is b/c I shot 2 sessions yesterday on a new backdrop I just finished up for the Studio... Everyone knows how much I luv to shoot outdoors and so I've always wanted a blue sky on a rainy, cold and windy day... so I made myself one!

Here are a few teaser shots from yesterday with my sister and her 2 beautiful girls Jillian (the older) and Lauren (the younger) I can't get enough of these 2!

AND - many of you know Brian White. He is my partner in crime on just about every wedding I shoot. He's fantastic with people and luvs to find creative angles to capture beautiful moments.... And he's going to start shooting on his own which is so exciting! His website will be up shortly so everyone has to give him luv! Check his blog out at BrianAllenCreative

He posted a few of these shots as well - and yes when we get together there's no telling what's going to happen!
