Well July was an insanely great time to be with my family on vacation and just hanging out by the pool. Here are just a few images from our time together! The first set of images are from our family vacation in Michigan City and the second set of images are from our trip to Jamaica. Jese and I took the Jamaica trip alone ~ which, oh my, was so relaxing. If anyone wants to go to Jamaica for their Honeymoon you absolutely have to check out Couples Tower Island. It was amazing!
Oh, and yes I have tons and tons of postings to put up - E Sessions, Families and Newborns that I couldn't get posted during the first part of the year due to all the Weddings I was shooting.
If you follow my Blog and we're not connected on Facebook PLEASE do look me up! I post and tag a bazillion images for my friends and clients!

It's hard to get great shots of my family with me in them!!! My Dad helped us capture this one~

And this one~ My beautiful family :)

My beautiful girl ~ She luvs to dance like her mommy...

Profile pic!

My beautiful wife~