Happy Friday everyone! I can't believe we're already half-way through February 09'. This year is going to fly by - I can just see it already! So, the other night Jese and I decided to head out to the studio (which is in the back of our property :) and have some fun shooting the fam. Needless to say all kids sessions usually are the same - a ton of krazy images and every once in a while you get that one image. And we all know what image that is - it's the one where the child is still, calm and looking directly at the camera. It's like when a butterfly lands on you... you stop breathing for a split second hoping to capture the moment before it quickly disappears. At least that's what I think...
And yes, I do know where Aaron get's his energy and krazy personality from!
What can I say - I luv meeting new people and hanging out with friends. Emotions are what fuel us through life and photography is my medium to express and capture the emotions of my life.
I look forward to what 2009 has in store!