An absolute beautiful start to 2009! Josiah and Lyndee had a beautiful winter wedding. You might remember them from their E Session this past summer. Lyndee and her Bridesmaids started out early at the salon and were treated to a delicious breakfast table in the Salon. Josiah and his groomsmen were more laid back around the kitchen table in the home of his best man. The dynamics of both parties getting ready is so much fun to experience with my clients.
The sanctuary at Park Chapel was so beautiful! They had decorated the entire stage with 10 foot live pine trees, snow and giant vases with candles and white lilies - GORGEOUS! The weather also turned out perfect - around 40 degrees that day - so after the ceremony we cruised downtown to shoot around the circle!
The Reception was hosted at the Eiteljorg Museum which Sarah Bean is an all star there at the Museum. She is the point of contact for the Museum Events Scheduling. Thanks Sarah for all your help!!! Also, Cons Catering not only prepared the exquisite food for the evening, but also did an amazing job of food design.
David Jackson from Premiere Events coordinated everything at the reception. David and his team did an amazing job of keeping everything running smoothly and were absolutely great to work with!
Tony Ferris from McNamara Florist designed and arranged all the floral pieces for the event as well.
Thanks to all the vendors who made this wedding spectacular!
And thanks to all my friends at Park Chapel, the Sears and Arnold Families for truly making this a beautiful wedding for Josiah and Lyndee!

Several Brides have asked if I create "formal" images of family and friends - so I wanted to show a few formal images (still relaxed and fun!)
Check out the Groomsmen's Chuck Taylors!

A few gorgeous details at the reception.

This image came after the "smoosh the cake in the face" series! I chose this image of all the Bridemaids cleaning Lyndee's face! Priceless!

One of my favorites - Josiah (the groom) catch'n some air!

A Photographers Dream! 100+ people on the dance floor!